PSYCH-K® has several balance sheets with a series of steps that guide the person who receives them to generate profound and sustainable changes. At each step, the Kinesiological Muscle Test is used to establish direct communication with the information in our minds. In this way, all balance sheet dynamics are subject to a concrete check, leaving aside any type of subjective interpretation.
To access the balances, you can find a Facilitator, which are usually offered in the form of private sessions, or enrol in the Workshops with the Certified Instructors, which allow you to use the balances for yourself and share them with others.
PSYCH-K® is a Spiritual Process with Psychological Benefits, a simple way to re-write the «software» of your mind in order to change the «impression» of your life. It is the bridge between reading inspirational books and living an inspirational life.
The subconscious is an information processor much faster than the conscious mind and uses between 95% and 99% of the time the information already stored from our childhood as a reference. That is why when we consciously decide something, for example, to earn more money, if our subconscious contains information that it is very difficult to earn a living, we will not achieve it. However, we can change.